Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Quote of the day: ?

"One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of shore for a very long time." André Gide

Comments to come.....
I think this hits home to whether or not we are able to approach life with a mindset of risk. So why would we want to "discover new lands?" New lands coud be any sort of adventure, an opportunity, new experiences, new relationships, new life... We can remain stagnant or move forward

Monday, October 20, 2008

Quote of the day: Battles...

"I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life." -Eleanor Roosevelt

Wow, what a great thought to start my quote of the day with. It seems to be a common struggle we all have. Each of us has something within us the drives us to do more, learn more, achieve more, know more, be more. Unfortunately, we also each have the desire to be comfortable, to stay the way we are, avoid change, to wait for something outside of ourselves to do the moving for us. How many times have you or I been curious about something, had a great idea, a desire to learn a new skill, a desire to improve and old skill, desire to visit someplace new, to try something new, etc... but then something stops us. I think the simple realization that there is this conflict within us is the first and best step to overcoming this battle. It is nearly impossible to win a battle that you do not know you are fighting. So know this: we are in a battle to fill our life with more life. How are we going to fight?

Quote of the day idea

So I just had an idea... I love quotes. I collect them. I search for them. reflect on them. I try to learn from them. They inspire me. So i decided instead of just thinking on the quotes I find, I should write about the quotes I find. Writing things down is so much more useful than just thinking about things. It clarifies thought. It solidifies belief. It increases impact.
My grand plan: I have a book of quotations. (The Book of Positive Quotations: 2nd edition) I also have a random number generator. I will randomly select a page from my book and then purposefully select my favorite from that page. Then, I will write whatever I want to about the quote.